I know having a title like that on a blog entry is dangerous at best, but bear with me please. You need to notice that the title does not read - Looking for a Wife, but rather Finding a Wife!
Today the words of the writer of the proverb were on my mind: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.
There are many ways that I would say that my gracious Savior has blessed and favored my life, but few ways would be greater, save knowing Christ himself, than the blessing he gave me when he gave me a wife. Nineteen years ago today this blessing became mine. Today was our aniversary! We celebrated with the normal things - waking up in a house with a bunch of kids, letting oatmeal overflow in the microwave, taking the boy to physics class, pining as I drove by the book store wishing I had more time, doing some work at the church, helping a person in a providential encounter, taking the prized treasure of my wife to lunch at the Cotton Patch where we got some shrimp and chicken, coming back home and picking up baby Averie, our niece who is staying with us for a while, going to JC Penny to get a whole whapping four inches cut off my sweeties' hiar (WOW - she is pretty), coming home, cooking supper, jumping on the trampoline (no - not me - the kids!), watering the yard, and trying to make an entry in the blog while I am kicking my wife out of the office so she can't see what I am doing.
All that to say, it was pretty much a normal day at the Montgomery's castle in which my wife, the "good thing" I have received from the Lord, reigns as the Queen. Most of life around our home is just that - full of normal things - nothing really spectacular - just normal. It is in those normal things for the last nineteen years that I have grown to appreciate something of the treasure that I have in my wife. She is a picutre to me and I think a good one to many of the devotion the church is to have to Christ. She has loved me with a love that is amazing these many years and humbled me greatly when I know what she has to endure from me at every turn. God has been very good to me in "finding a wife" to bless me and show me his great favor.
It is good to know that you realize what some have known for 19+ years. Love to you both.
Mom and Dad
Thank you so much for sharing a part of your heart with us - you, of course, made me cry again, and you weren't even in the middle of a sermon! It is encouraging and a great reminder to us all to treasure and adore the marriage "gifts" that we have been given in our spouses. My husband made me watch a true story, gut-wrenching movie last night where a husband was seperated from his wife and children in the name of war and justice, and then eventually executed. It definitely made me appreciate and be aware in knowing that every day, every second, and every breath the Lord gives me with this man is such a precious gift! Thank you, again, Pastor.
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